Wednesday 13 February 2008

tips and tricks

Continuing from yesterday, thanks to Dave Gohara my USB-to-serial adapter is now working. All it took was the driver downloadable from his web site. In the package is a little script that lets you verify that the dials are recognized and in working order. That worked for me, but I haven't had the opportunity to try them with real software yet. PyMOL apparently does not support dials, coot might require some tweaking, and O I haven't even installed. Fine, off to further issues.

Trying to compile blt (a requirement for ccp4), I kept running into a host system not recognized error. In one of the configure scripts, there was indeed a host variable that was left blank. How do I know which system name to use? Well,
told me. It's i686-apple-darwin9.2.0. Good to know.

Another thing that annoyed me for a while is that Time Machine only shows visible folders. For reasons unknown to me, UNIX-related system file, i.e. things normally residing in /usr/, are hidden. How do I restore them? I can get to them in a shell, but not in the Finder window Time Machine proudly presents. Typing
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
and restarting the Finder (Option right click - Relaunch) remedies that. It would be nice if this could be set as default whenever Time Machine is launched in restore mode. But that would be a little bit too much customization for a Mac.

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